The Future of Digital Education: Will Traditional Universities Become a Thing of the Past

The Future of Digital Education: Will Traditional Universities Become a Thing of the Past

Just as the AI technologies and automation technologies managed to change many other ways of life, including, they may change our approach to education. In-person teaching and learning are somewhat threatened by these innovations, but it still seems that the education system won’t go “fully digital” for at least some time. 

The Problems of Today

For now, the most threatening aspect of all of it is the competition or the schools and universities that actually offer online teaching. This kind of educational institutions offering online learning models could attract more and more students who wish to educate themselves in such a manner. 

For quite some time there has been a demand of the workers and “teachers/professors” with a specific set of skills. This often means hiring people who don’t necessarily own a proper college degree. Ultimately, it will lead to the devaluation of college degrees, and create a major problem for the educational system.

Risk of Shutting Down the Universities

The main reason behind the potential shutting down of colleges and universities if of course lack of students. Many students prefer almost any kind of similarly modeled online education over the in-person classes. This might lead to massive shutting down of colleges. No one knows if technology-assisted teaching will prove to be a good or a bad thing for both the student and the teachers, but it seems that it will likely happen. 

Among other problems, there is the problem of the cost of the traditional way of education. Paying for college tuition is not a joke, and not everybody can afford it. On the other hand, many online classes and tutoring are far less expensive than attending a real college. Taking student loans begins to seem like something not worth investing in, even if the demand for residential college degrees is still high. 

In addition, even if traditional education is compromised, the cost will still remain as one of the greatest deciding factors. People tend to choose the more affordable options, which will ultimately lead to greater competition among online colleges and lower prices as time goes by. 

Employment VS Traditional Education

All in all, one of the greatest arising problems currently is the demand in the employment market. By attending various online courses and classes, anybody can acquire the desired set of skills that will land them a job. Employers around the world value these kinds of accomplishments and care more for experience and knowledge than just a degree. It is that simple. 

What’s more, many high education universities offer these kinds of online classes. They provide a similar level of knowledge to that of a traditional way of attending classes in person. They won’t get you a degree but they are not as costly as the traditional ones. 

In the final analysis, it is the direction our education is heading towards, but will it make the traditional universities obsolete? Maybe the traditional higher education will end up being one of the luxuries of the future or it might end up being valueless. Only time can tell. 
